Books: Tantric Parenting

Tantric Intimacy

The first section of this book is all about love and connection. There are specific stories that I tell about being a safe place for my children and so much more.

This book is also about how to live in an expansive, happy way... which has wonderful ripple effects in the lives of our children - now and always.

1-2-3 Magic

This isn't a tantric book exactly. But it was the most formative book I read when my children were young. 

I do consider it here though because it truly fosters beautiful communication, connection and removes so much of the tension that is common in households. It was a game-changer for me with my kids.

What If You Could Skip the Cancer?

I include this book because it is the story of my journey to truly listening to my intuition which is a huge strength and comfort when raising children.

The story within took place when my kids were 2 and 4 years old... very busy times. So, it's a poignant time of feeling the need to meet everyone else's needs... when the best thing we can do is come to centre and listen within.

You Don't Have to Eat the Eyeballs

This is a book about self-love and not people-pleasing. If you are a people-pleaser, there is a chance that one or more of your children will too. On the surface, making people happy seems like a good idea. But underneath, it can breed resentment and disconnection.

To be able to teach our children to truly find their true "Yes" and "No" and honour that is a wonderful gift to give them as parents... Of course we have to be able to do it ourselves first. :)

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