Imagine a World of Connection, Love and Happiness...
Listening within. Living in our truth. Deep connections in love and all of our relationships. Intuitive guidance. Feeling whole, happy and abundant.
This is the world we are creating right now.
 New Online Course
New 8-week Online Course
Special Introductory Price in Effect
It is time to bring the Divine Feminine back into Intimate relationships. There is a power and magic that has been lost over the centuries. But she is rising now. It's time to tap into her so that she can heal our deep feminine and our masculine partners so that we can experience the ecstasy that we are made for.
If you love diving into the feminine polarity in relationships and would love to heal and empower yourself and your masculine partner, then you will love this course!
We have an Introductory Special right now for $100 off our regular price!Â
Online Course Details HEREDivine Union Courses + FACILITATOR TRAINING!
Diving Deeply Into the Masculine & Feminine Together
Would you like to gather with me and other amazing people around the world over Zoom to explore everything that's possible when we redefine what's possible within ourselves, in relationships, and in intimacy through the teachings in my book, Divine Union of the Masculine & Feminine?
There are three ways that we can learn and explore these topics together!
There will be three live courses starting in October that you can:
- Take separately,Â
- Do our DEEP DIVE and take all three, or
- Register for our FACILITATOR TRAINING which includes all three courses + a facilitator module in September.
Please click on each button below to find out more about each course.
Each course taken individually is $227 CAD.
If you know that you would like to explore everything beginning within, extending to relationships, and then intimacy (whether you're presently in a relationship or not), you can register for the Deep Dive.Â
The Special Price for everyone who is all in, is $497 CAD for all three courses.
Click above to explore each course or below to register and see your payment options
I would love for you to join my team of amazing people who would like to share these teachings around the world.
Would you like to host women's or men's groups, groups for teens or couples.
Do you work with individuals who would love to heal the divide within and have nourishing relationships?
Would you like to host weekly groups or retreats focused on these teachings?
Or maybe it's just about going even deeper within yourself with others who are equally passionate about living in this exciting dance within and with others!
This training includes all of the above courses PLUS a special facilitator module in the Fall.
Find out all of the details hereEnergy Grid Readings
How are you truly wired inside? Why is it easy to connect with some people and not others? Why do you see the world so differently than others? What are your gifts? Why have there been difficult times in your life?
This is a beautiful hour spent together chatting about your "inner blueprint" and how it can give us clues about what is going on in your life right now.
Find Out MoreOnline Courses
My Books
Free E-book For You
Being able to hear our inner truth is foundational to all spiritual paths. When we follow this inner and unique guidance, our life feels like ours, and we easily have confidence in our decisions. If you would like your free copy, please join my weekly newsletter by filling out the form below and your book will be sent to you right away.
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Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.